Inter-House Events: Blind Game and Musical Chair

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Friday,  8th Ashwin, 2072 | “Amusements and fun going on side by side with Academic Learning ensure better motivation and creativity in students.”  This saying is practically true for for the students of Golden Gate. As a regular practice, Golden Gate this time organized following two different light amusement programs for Lower Secondary and Primary Level students. The results came as follows:

1. First Event: Blind Game (Lower-Secondary Level)
Total Participants: 56 Students
S.N. Names of the Students Position House Class
1. Sushmita Mahato 1st Blue 8
2. Kuber Pun Magar 2nd Red 7
3. Sushil Suwal 3rd Yellow 8


2. Second Event: Musical Chair (Primary Level)
Total Participants: 117 Students
S.N. Names of the Students Position House Class
1. Dhiraj Lama 1st Red 5
2. Supriya Sulu 2nd Blue 5
3. Sudip Thapa Magar 3rd Yellow 4

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