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Golden Gate English Secondary School has been incorporated under Education Act – 2028 BS and Education Article 2049 BS with mandatory registration under Company Act – 2063 BS and duly recognized by the Government of Nepal to run classes from Pre-Primary Level to Grade 10 and make students appear in the Secondary Education Examination (SEE), earlier known as School Leaving Certificate or SLC Examinations, conducted each year by National Examination Board (NEB), under Ministry of Education, Government of Nepal. Click here for more information about NEB’s SEE Examination.

Furthermore, it has the following prestigious affiliations:

National Affiliations:

Private & Boarding Schools’ Organization, Nepal (PABSON)


Bikalpa Gyan Tatha Bikas Kendra (Alternative Learning and Development Centre, Nepal)


Quality Circles in Education for Students’ Personality Development in Nepal (QUEST-Nepal)


Scrabble Club Pokhara

International Affiliations & Relations:

The British Council Connecting Classrooms

Professional Partnerships with

Tarvenspite CP School, UK

Teach A Man To Fish, UK
School Enterprise Challenge

The World’s Children’s Prize (WCP), Sweden

(AIESEC in Kathmandu University)

World School Council, UK

WSC Logo_BigWSC Certificate1 WSC Letter copy1

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