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World Council for Total Quality and Excellence in Education (WCTQEE, in brief) is an international organization formed to promote the Students’ Quality Circle in education throughout the world. Today, SQCs have been spread in more than 30 countries all over the world with the initiation of WCTQEE. Prof. Dinesh P. Chapagain is one of the founder Director Generals of the World Council for Total Quality and Excellence in Education [WCTQEE].

Formation of the World Council (WCTQEE), 1999

Dr. Jagdish Gandhi, Manager of City Montessory School, Lucknow, India invented and pioneered the introduction of Student’s Quality Control Circles (SQCC’s) in education, an idea which he learnt from Kaizen Philosophy and Total Quality Management (T.Q.M.) concept of Industries during his visit to Japan. His School became the first school of the world in 1992 to start SQCC’s with the object of implanting quality awareness in children at a young age (Catch them Young for Quality) and to inculcate in them a strong desire for world unity. He aspires to develop the children as Total Quality Person (TQP) by providing them from early childhood with a balanced education of all the three realities of life i.e. material, human and divine inherent in a human being.

On 23rd February, 1999, Dr. Gandhi invited quality experts and educationists from around the world to discuss on the formation of a world council to promote his idea of SQCCs in education as an integrated part of Total Quality Management in education. Prof. Dinesh P. Chapagain was one of these quality experts invited from Nepal. The meeting decided to establish the World Council for Total Quality and Excellence in Education [WCTQEE, in short] with the following resolutions.

1. Mr. Jagdish Gandhi, Founder Manager, City Montessori Schools shall be the Chairman of WCTQEE while Mr. Andre Lim, Managing Director, International Consulting Pte. Mauritius, Dr. (Mrs.) Vineeta Kamran, Principal, CMS Degree College, Mr. PC Bihari of Indian Railways and Mrs. Lim Shi Huey, Managing Consultant, Quality Systems Training & Consulting, Singapore, shall be the life Executive Directors of WCTQEE. Mr. Wayne Kost, President Philip Crosby Associates, Winter Park, Florida shall be the chief Advisor and Mr. Donald Dewar, President, QCI International, Cottonwood, California, USA shall be Director (Research & Training) for WCTQEE.

2. Mr.Hans Joerg Muller shall be Director General (Switzerland), Mr. A.M.M. Khairul Bashar shall be Director General (Bangladesh), Mr. Dinesh P. Chapagain shall be Director General (Nepal), Mr. Raul Nobel shall be Director General (Philippines), Mr. Tom Adair shall be Director General (USA), Dr. D. Blankenship as co-Director General (USA), Dr. Henry Jayaweera, Director General (Sri Lanka) and Hon. Kadress Pillay, Chairman (Mauritius).

3. Director Generals are at the liberty to appoint office bearers in their own countries.

4. The activities of WCTQEE shall comprise of Training, Collection of resource materials, Curriculum development, International standards, Certification of trainers, Consultancy services, Conventions, workshops, seminars and exhibition, Publication of magazines, books, International summer camps, Career counseling, Moral education seminars, International psychology seminars, Learning disability, Creativity Training, HRD, R & D and Award and Recognition (global Conventions).

5. The International Convention on Students’ Quality Circles be organized annually with CMS Degree College hosting it every alternate years beginning from 1999, and other nations on rotation or bid which is to be endorsed by the Corporate and HQ through consensus with member.

6. The Corporate Office of the WCTQEE shall be at CMS Degree College Lucknow India and Head office shall be at Quality Systems, Anson Road, Singapore.

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