School Prayer & Morning Presentations

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The Morning School Prayer at Golden Gate starts with live performance of the followings:

  • National Anthem
  • School Prayer
  • Morning Presentations (Class-wise Speeches, Jokes, Anecdotes, Stories, Biographies, News & Events, Singing, SQC Case Studies, Theater/Drama, etc.)

One particular class takes charge of entire morning prayer sessions on a day. Students have been grouped and given responsibilities so as to facilitate their presentations. There are Announcers, Presenters and Singing Band from each class (For singing National Anthem and School Prayer) from each class to fulfill responsibilities.

Note: National Anthem is sung with Live Musical Band and the School Prayer is sung on a music track (arranged by Singa Lama, Principal) by Singing Band from each class, everyday.

The School Prayer goes like follows:

Golden Gate School Prayer

Lyrics: Classic School Prayer
Music, Arrange & Dummy Vocal: Singa Lama (Principal)

Oh! God, Be Kind, To Me
I am your child
Never be harsh to me
Be always mild
Teach me to read my books
Teach me to play
Teach me to please my being
Teach me to pray

Teach me, To Love, Nepal
My motherland
Teach me to serve my parents
With heart, head and mind
Let me respect my teachers
Until I die
May I not be proud
May I never lie.

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