Category Archives: News & Events

Anisha wins 3rd Prize in District Level Speech Contest

4th Mangsir, 2072 | Miss Anisha Joshi from Class 10 won 3rd Prize in the District Level Speech Contest.

11990625_976701769058823_2301381872096781304_nThe contest was organized by Sunny Pradhan Memorial Organization on the topic “Students’ Role in Minimizing Risk of Earthquake”.

The Chief Guest Mr. Toyam Raya, Chief District Officer of Bhaktapur, awarded a Certificate, a Cup and cash prize of Rs. 1,000/-


The entire school family wants to CONGRATULATE Anisha for the achievement.

Children’s Hope for Sustainable Peace: Children Mural Painting with Bikaplpa

20th November, 2015 (Mangsir 4, 2072) | Marking Universal‬ Children’s Day – 2015, Bikalpa‬ Gyan Tatha Bikas Kendra in coordination with Golden Gate English Secondary School and Lisha English Secondary School successfully organized Children Mural Painting in Bhaktapur Durbar Square, a World Heritage Site damaged by Nepal Earthquake 2015 with the theme: “Children’s Hope for Sustainable Peace” (Nepali: “बालबालिकाको चाहना, दिगो शान्तिको स्थापना”)

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In total 394 Students and teachers participated from different schools and Golden Gate’s participants numbered 46 in total including students from Class 5 to 10.


There was a short formal program at the end which was presided by Ms. Lamin Lama, Program Coordinator – Bikalpa. Mr. Singa Lama,  Principal, Golden Gate and also a  Facilitator, Bikalpa, delivered short Welcome Speech. Chief guest Mr. Udhab Pd.Rijal, Executive Officer, Bhaktapur Municipality distributed certificates of appreciation to all the participants and participating schools.

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The list of participants from Golden Gate:

S.N Name of the Students Classes
1 Sagar Twati 10
2 Sajeet Silpakar 10
3 Binaya Bajracharya 9
4 Anish Twanabasu 9
5 Christina Tyata 9
6 David Ghemosu 9
7 Nijan Basukala 9
8 Sanjina Lawoju 9
9 Christopher Bhatarai 9
10 Rohan Sundas 9
11 Anish Joshi 8
12 Prashana Didiya 8
13 Unique Awal 8
14 Shamrit Nakhanda 8
15 Subina Shrestha 8
16 Krisha Napit 8
17 Sneha Sitikhu 8
18 Sushmita Mahato 8
19 Alina Tamang 8
20 Krijal Sitikhu 8
21 Roshani Suwal 7
22 Bhintuna Nhisutu 7
23 Sumit Shilpakar 7
24 Rojina Lama 7
25 Bishal Tamang 7
26 Unish Sitikhu 7
27 Rashik Giri 7
28 Nishan Sitikhu 7
29 Ritik Dheshemaru 6
30 Roshan Ghimire 6
31 Krijal Gwachha 6
32 Samir Shilpakar 6
33 Suhel Baidya 6
34 Sujit Jonchhen 6
35 Aniket Shahi 5
36 Tara Lama 5
37 Renisha Basukala 5
38 Bishow Lama 5
39 Animesh Singh 5
40 Raj Majhi 5
41 Phurba Lama 5
42 Devin Kasula 4
43 Dichhyant Sundas 4
44 Jems Shrestha 4
45 Sudeep Thapa Magar 4
46 Biswas Lama 4

Tihar Special Program – 2072 (2015): Pursuit of Golden Culture

The yet another Golden Culture‬, the Tihar Special Program – 2072 (2015), was observed creating another glorious history with fun-filled festive elements. The program was exclusively organized by Class 8 students.


The program featured Deusi-Bhailo Competitions, Songs, Theater/Drama, Dances & many more.


The Class 7 became the winner and was awarded with Special Prizes by Anju Joshi, the Founder Director of the school.

3Click Here for More Photos


Inter-House Spoon Race & Football Juggling Competitions

17th Kartik, 2072 | Amusement at Golden Gate this time got the forms of:

  1. Inter-House Spoon Race Competition held in two different groups in Junior Level and
  2. Football Juggling Competition held in Senior Level.


The following students were the winners of the competitions. Congratulations!

1. Spoon Race Competitions:
Junior I: Class 3 – 5

Rank Names of the Students Classes Houses
1 Dikshant Pariyar 4 Red
2 Sajani Rajchal 5 Yellow
3 Bishwas Lama 4 Green


Junior II: Class 1 – 2

Rank Names of the Students Classes Houses
1 Rojina Lama 2 Red
2 Sudeep Lama 1 Green
3 Anju Dhakal 2 Blue


2. Football Juggling Competitions
Senior: Class 6 – 8

Rank Names of the Students Classes Houses
1 Kabin Giri 8 Red
2 Unique Awal 8 Green
3 Prashanna Didiya 8 Blue



Solid waste management, especially the plastic bottles, are of great concern these-days but creativity has way out for every situation.

So, we have initiated the  BOTTLE CAMPAIGN PROJECT  in association with the following organizations:

  • International Association of Lions Club
  • Leo Club of Bhaktapur Suryabinayak
  • Milestone Biochemical Lab
Workshop Session

A one day workshop was held for the students from Class 5 to 9 and students were trained on how to use the waste plastic bottles to beautify the surroundings and use them for various purposes.

Students are now under the project work of creating crafts and there will be competition to be held by the organizers.

Preparation for Vertical Garden


More photos can be viewed at: Click Here


Festive Fun: Dashain Greeting Cards Competition at Golden Gate

18th Ashwin, 2072 | As a Golden Culture at Golden Gate, students from Grade I to VIII participated in the Inter-House Greeting Cards Competition – 2072 organized on the auspicious occasion of Vijaya Dashami and Deepawali – 2072 BS.

The event was coordinated by Art Teacher Mr. Bikash Tamakhu and some 215 students participated in the selection round. Out of them, 43 students made their way to Grand Finale.

The Grand Finale resulted in declaration of the following students as winners and toppers. We would like to CONGRATULATE all the winning students and thank all others for their active participation in the event.

1. Winners from Junior I Category: Class 1 & 2

Junior Ia

Names of the Students Position Class House
Rojina Maka 1st 2 Red
Riju Bala 2nd 1 Green
Aaisha Lama 3rd 2 Yellow

2. Winners from Junior II Category: Class 3 – 5)

Junior IIa

Names of the Students Position Class House
Bishal Lama 1st 4 Yellow
Tara Lama 2nd 5 Yellow
Anjana Lama 3rd 3 Yellow

3. Top 5 from Senior Category : 6 – 8

Top 5_new

Names of the Students Class House
Nishan Sitikhu 7 Yellow
Sabina Mainali 7  Green
Samir Shilpakar 6  Green
Suhel Baidya 6  Red
Sujit Jonchhen 6  Red

Here are some photos of the event:


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विजया दशमी तथा शुभ दीपावली – २०७२ को शुभकामना! (Dashain-Tihar 2072 Greetings)

नेपालीहरुको महान चाड् विजया दशमी तथा शुभ दीपावली – २०७२ को पावन अवसरमा समस्त अभिभावक महानुभावहरु, विद्यार्थी भाईबहिनिहरु, शिक्षक-शिक्षिकाहरु एबम शुभचिन्तकहरुमा सुख, शान्ति र सम्रिद्दिको हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना!

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(Wishing all our Valued Parents, Students, Teaching as well as Non-Teaching Staffs and Well-wishers a Happy, Peaceful and Prosperous Vijaya Dashami & Deepawali – 2072)

Kaizen Workshop: Classroom Management

19th Jestha, 2072 | As Golden Gate practices Kaizen, i.e. Continuous Improvement, a Japanese management approach, we held a Kaizen Workshop to look back at our practices and put some improvising touch to the existing system.


The workshop had special focus on the followings:

  • Positive Discipline
  • Classroom Management: Consequence Chart Development
  • Keeping-it-clean
  • Examination system
  • Students’ Morning Presentations, etc.


11th Ashwin | Amidst a small but special function, the result of Group-wise Unit Activities for the subject of English of Grade X (Bhadra-Ashwin) was brought out along with a review of the entire program. Group leaders expressed their experience of working in the group and made some commitments for the betterment.


The program was coordinated by subject teacher Mr. Yogendra Raj Gurung where Secondary Level Incharge Ms. Shreesha Sitikhu and Principal Mr. Singa Lama were present as Guest and Chief Guest respectively. Shining Stars was declared as Group of the Month and all the members were given away the prizes by Principal Mr. Lama.


Pre-School (Montessori Kids’ Villa) Activities

Golden Gate Montessori Kids’ Villa is the pre-school wing of Golden Gate English Secondary School entirely based Activity-Based Teaching, Fun-Learning and Play-Way Methods.

Click Here for More Photos

Few representative activities of the Villa are as follows:

1. Seeds & Seedlings (Practical):20150903_132421
2. Chocolate Race:
3. Healthy & Unhealthy Food :2
4. Hot Potato3

5. Big & Small Plants (Practical within School Garden)1

6. Collaborative Collage2

7. Recognizing Activities


8. ….. In the Middle


9. Musical Race