All posts by singalama

First Online Exams Enthusiastically Concluded at Golden Gate

As it was a great challenge to start sustained quality online classes, it was even more challenging to explore, design, and implement an effective Online Examination System.

For that purpose, we had an agile research and developed probably the the most effective Online Examination Model in Nepal that served all three purposes of evaluation:

  1. Assessment of Learning (Traditional)
  2. Assessment for Learning (Modern)
  3. Assessment as Learning (Progressive)

To serve these 3 purposes, we executed 3 modalities of Online Examination as follows:

All 3 modalities address different levels of learning as follows:

The result of the examination was issued in GPA and Marks for all 3 models of exams along with standardized descriptors.

With the implementation of New Golden Gate Model Online Examination, it became more compatible with the progressive education we offer through Multiple Intelligences Based Project Based Learning #MI_PBL.

Early initiation of Online classes at Golden Gate

Immediately after the nationwide lockdown in 11th Chaitra, 2077 BS due to CoViD-19 Global Pandemic, Golden Gate proactively started Online Classes considering the pandemic impact on education. Initially, we organized Online Classes for SEE 2076 students bringing some of the nation’s prominent teachers from across the nation. The classes were highly appreciated by the students and parents.

Then, after a massive exploration of resources and technologies, we conducted Teachers’ Training for building skills for conduction Online Classes. We had closed research amongst our parents for the feasibilities of online classes. The research showed that nearly 80% or more students had access to the internet and devices.

This encouraged us to start the Online Classes at the earliest possible. So, immediately after the New Academic Session 2077 BS commenced, we started our Online Classes. Initially, we started classes for Class 10, 9 & 8. Then, we gradually moved down to Class1 till 24th Baishakh, 2077. We are so proud to state that we are amongst those leading schools to begin Online Classes at the earliest.

There have been lots of turmoils due to pandemic, governments’ decisions, and directives but our classes ran uninterruptedly. In the beginning, we had very few students but as we grew with quality and awareness, the participation kept on increasing. Till the last of Aswhin, 2077, we had more than 80% of students in the classes from Class 1 to 10. Preschool students are also increasingly being associated with the learning process.

We are highly thankful to our Valued Parents and dedicated Galaxy of Teachers for making things happen in leading and creating meaningful differences in education.

ECA | CCA | HCA during Mangsir to Falgun, 2073

1. Inter-House Kho-Kho Competition

Date: 3rd Mangsir, 2073
Level: Lower Secondary

S.N. Names of the Students Houses Class
1. Jagadish Karki Kanchanjunga 8
2. Alish Pahiju Kanchanjunga 8
3. Sajan Lama Kanchanjunga 8
4. Suhel Baidya Kanchanjunga 7
5. Aayusha Lawo Kanchanjunga 7
6 Sameer Shilpakar Kanchanjunga 7
7 Nima Lama Kanchanjunga 6
8 Raj Majhi Kanchanjunga 6
9 Sabin Giri Kanchanjunga 6

2. Inter-House Paper Collage Competition

Date: 10th Mangsir, 2073
Level: Junior Primary (Class 1 & 2)

  • Aayush Moktan, Sagarmatha House, Class 2

Level: Senior Primary (Class 3 – 5)

  • Ruji Bajracharya, Sagarmatha House, Class 4

3. Inter-House Quiz Contest Contest:

Date: 11th Mangsir, 2073
Level: Primary
Winner (1st) Team:

S.N. Names of the Students Houses Class
1. Soniya Sundas Sagarmatha 1
2. Aayush Moktan Sagarmatha 2
3. Rojina Maka Sagarmatha 3
4. Rani Lama Sagarmatha 4
5. Diya Jadhari Sagarmatha 5

4. Inter-House Frog Race Competition

Date: 24th Mangsir, 2073
Level: Primary

  • Devin Kasula, Annapurna House, Class – 5

5. Inter-House Nepali Dictation Competition

Date: 1st Push, 2073
Total Participants: 50
Level: Junior Primary (Class 1 & 2)

  • Bigyan Sitikhu, Annapurna House, Class – 2

Level: Senior Primary (Class 3 – 5)

  • Junu Kapali, Machhapuchhre House, Class – 3

6. Inter-House Blind Game Competition

Date: 1st Push, 2073
Level: Lower Secondary

  • Rojina Lama, Annapurna House, Class – 8

7. Inter-House Blind Game Competition

Date: 21st Magh, 2073
Level: Junior Primary (Class 1 & 2)

  • Rimple Karki, Sagarmatha House, Class – 2

Level: Senior Primary (Class 3 – 5)

  • Emon Khayargoli, Kanchanjunga House, Class – 3

8. Inter-House Story Writing Competition

Date: 21st Magh, 2073
Level: Lower Secondary

  • Ruchi Nakarmi, Machhapuchhre House, Class – 7

9. Inter-House English Reading Competition

Date: 28th Magh, 2073
Level: Junior Primary (Class 1 & 2)

  • Bigyan Sitikhu, Annapurna House, Class – 2

Level: Senior Primary (Class 3 – 5)

  • Rani Lama, Sagarmatha House, Class – 4

10. Inter-House Quiz Contest

Date: 6th Falgun, 2073
Level: Primary (Class 1 – 5)
Winner (1st) Team:

S.N. Names of the Students Houses Class
1. Krish Bajracharya Annapurna 5
2. Rubi Bati Annapurna 3
3. Muskan Kapali Annapurna 4
4. Aakash Lama Annapurna 2
5. Sumit Shilpakar Annapurna 1

11. Inter-House Drawing Competition

Date: 20th Falgun, 2073
Level: Junior Primary (Class 1 & 2)

  • Saroj Tamang, Sagarmatha House, Class – 1

Level: Senior Primary (Class 3 – 5)

  • Nivh Shilpakar, Sagarmatha House, Class – 4

12. Inter-House Balancing Game

Date: 27th Falgun, 2073
Level: Senior Primary (Class 3 – 5)

  • Alish Bhalandya, Kanchanjanga House, Class – 4

We thank all the participants and congratulate all the winners of the events.

ECA | CCA | HCA in Bhadra – Kartik, 2073

1. Inter-House Musical Chair Competition

Date: 10th Bhadra, 2073
Level: Senior Primary (Class 3 – 5)

  • Prashant Dangi, Sagarmatha House, Class – 5

2. Inter-House Spoon Race Competition

Date: 17th Bhadra, 2073
Level: Primary

  • Sunayana Hyomba, Annapurna House, Class – 4

3. Inter-House Quiz Contest Contest:

Date: 31st Bhadra, 2073
Level: Primary
Winner (1st) Team:

S.N. Names of the Students Houses Class
1. Rochak Katwal Sagarmatha 5
2. Rani Lama Sagarmatha 4
3. Rojina Maka Sagarmatha 3
4. Dipesh Bajracharya Sagarmatha 2
5. Liza Awal Sagarmatha 1

4. Inter-House Hot Potato Competition

Date: 5th Kartik, 2073
Level: Primary

  • Devin Kasula, Annapurna House, Class – 5

5. Inter-House English Handwriting Competition

Date: 19th Kartik, 2073
Level: Junior Primary (Class 1 & 2)

  • Dipesh Bajracharya, Sagarmatha House, Class – 2

Level: Senior Primary (Class 3 – 5)

  • Rojina Maka, Sagarmatha House, Class – 3

6. Inter-House Score the Golden Goal Competition

Date: 19th Kartik, 2073

  • Lower Sec. Level: Sushal Gossai, Annapurna House, Class – 7
  • Secondary Level: Rohan Sundas, Machhapuchhre House, Class – 10

7. Inter-House Freeze Game Competition

Date: 26th Kartik, 2073
Level: Primary


  • Aayusha Duwal, Machhapuchhre House, Class – 1

8. Inter-House Badminton (Men’s Doube) Competition

Date: 26th Kartik, 2073
Level: Lower Secondary Level


  • Rajal Shilpakar, Machhapuchhre House, Class – 8
  • Kuber Pun Magar, Machhapuchhre House, Class – 8

We thank all the participants and congratulate the winners of the events.

ECA | CCA | HCA in Shrawan, 2073

1. Inter-House English Reading Competition

Date: 14th Shrawan, 2073
Level: Junior Primary (Class 1 &2)
Total Participants: 27


  • Aakash Lama, Annapurna House, Class – 2

Level: Senior Primary (Class 3 – 5)
Total Participants: 72


  • Dichhyant Sundas, Sagarmatha House, Class – 5

2. Inter-House Nepali Reading Competition

Date: 21st Shrawan, 2073
a) Level: Junior Primary (Class 1 &2)
Total Participants: 27


  • Aryan Thapa Magar, Sagarmatha House, Class – 2

b) Level: Senior Primary (Class 3 – 5)

  • Purnika Lakhe,Machhapuchhre House, Class – 5

3. Inter-House Needle Threading Competition

Date: 21st Shrawan, 2073
Level: Lower Secondary Level (Class 6 – 8)

  • Sabin Giri, Kanchanjunga House, Class – 6

4. Inter-House Quiz Contest:

Date: 28th Shrawan, 2073
Level: Primary
Winner (1st) Team:

S.N. Names of the Students Houses Class
1. Diya Jadhari Sagarmatha 5
2. Nivh Shilpakar Sagarmatha 4
3. Aayush Moktan Sagarmatha 2
4. Rojina Maka Sagarmatha 3
5. Liza Awal Sagarmatha 1

5. Inter-House English Dictation Competition

Date: 28th Shrawan, 2073
Level: Lower Secondary Level (Class 6 – 8)

  • Dishan Karmacharya,Machhapuchhre House, Class – 8

Congratulations to all the winning students and their houses and thank you everyone for the enthusiastic participation!

Participation in 12th NCSQC 2017

Golden Gate proudly participated in the 12th National Convention on Students’ Quality Circles (12th CSQC ’16) organized by QUEST-Nepal in collaboration of collaborating partners including Golden Gate English Secondary School in Sanik Awasiya Mahavidyalaya, Bhaktapur.

Day 1: Inauguration and initial Events:

The Convention was gloriously inaugurated by Rt. Honourable His Excellency the Vice President of Federal Democratic Republic ofNepal Mr. Nanda Bahadur Pun amidst the Special Function.

Golden Gateans participated in the following events:

  • 3 SQCs from Class 7, 8 & 9
  • SQC Procession
  • Case Study Presentations
  • Quality Quiz
  • Collaborative Football

Day 2: Major Events & Closing Ceremony:

The second day program started with Panel Discussion on convention theme which was moderated by the Principal and QUEST-Nepal Executive and Master Trainer Mr. Singa Lama where Rojina Lama from Class 8 participated as panelist along with 15 other panelists from across the nation.

Some other events were:

The Closing Ceremony was held with Chief Guest Mr. Narayan Man Bijukchhe, Honourable Member of Parliament and other dignitaries. Several prizes, awards and letter appreciation were offered during the ceremony.

Sanitation Program by Peace Council

Here is report of Sanitation Program organized by Golden Gate Children’s Peace Council on 10th Shrawan, 2073:

Report on Sanitation Program

1. Introduction

We, the members of Golden Peace Council from Golden Gate English Secondary School, organized a “Sanitation Program” with the involvement of students from Class 6, 7 and 8 along with our teacher Miss Anita Maka.

Date: 10th Shrawan, 2073
Day: Monday


2. Objectives of the Program:
  • To clean the environment with the collaboration of different classes
  • To aware the students to clean the environment
  • To clean the school area and dumping all the wastes away
3. Execution:

We incurred our expenditures on buying broom, dustpan, plastic bags, masks, soap, etc. We bought 4 brooms, 4 dustpans, 4 plastic bags, 36 masks and one soap. Each broom costed Rs. 70, each dustpan Rs. 30, each plastic bags Rs. 5 and each mask Rs. 8.

Then, we started our Sanitation Program at 2:00 pm. At first, all the students were gathered and were given specific jobs. The program ended at 4:00 pm. All the students had cleaned school surrounding, senior block from top floor to the ground and Montessori block.

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We would like to thank Bikalpa Gyan Tatha Bikas Kendra and our own Golden Gate English Secondary School for such initiation into new and creative world.


ECA | CCA | HCA during Ashadh, 2073

Because we had First Terminal Examination in the month of Ashadh, there was very little time for ECA and CCA. The followings show the events in detail:

1. Inter-House English Reading Competition

Date: 3rd Ashadh, 2073
Level: Junior Primary (Class 1 &2)

  • Bigyan Sitikhu, Annapurna House, Class – 2

Level: Senior Primary (Class 3 – 5)

  • Diya Jadhari, Sagarmatha House, Class – 5

2. Inter-House Chess Competition

Date: 5th Ashadh, 2073
Level: Lower Secondary & Secondary

  • Sameer Shilpakar (Lower Secondary Level)
  • Ishan Sainju (Secondary Level)

3. Inter-House Spelling Contest:

Date: 10th Ashadh, 2073
Level: Primary
Winner (1st) Team:

S.N. Names of the Students Houses Class
1. Nhorsang Lama Machhapuchchhre 5
2. Junu Kapali Machhapuchchhre 3
3. Puja Nhemaphuki Machhapuchchhre 4
4. Meghana Rajchal Machhapuchchhre 2
5. Shreejana Koju Machhapuchchhre 1

We thank all the participants and congratulate winners of the events.

Felicitations, Farewell and Career Counseling for SLC 2072 Graduates

25th Ashadh, 2073 | A special function was organized in honour of  the SLC Graduates of 2072 where for the first time, a career counseling session was also incorporated with the professional speakers from Golden Gate Alumni Association (GGAA – G2A2).


Chief Guest Mr. Sundar Kumar Shakya, Former Joint Secretaty, Ministry of Education, shared some insights about Letter Grading System and shade some light on opportunities and challenges brought by it. SpecialGuest: Mr. Rajkumar Maharjan Maharjan, President, PABSON-Bhaktapur & Senior Vice President, QUEST-Nepal, smphasized on the imprtance of struggle and perseverance in students’ life whereas Career Counselors from Alumni
Anita Jadhari (Advocate), Sunil Khaitu (Civil Engineer) & Pratik Hyomba (IT Professional) spoke the elements of guidance pertaining to their areas of expertise.

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Mr.  Singa Lama, Principal of the School, emphasized on the importance of big dream, clear goals and persistence to reach the goal. CEO Mr. Shiva Shrestha acted as MC whereas senior teachers Raju Lohala, Yogendra Adhikari, Ramkrishna Chawal, etc. conveyed their felicitations to the SLC graduates as well.

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The SLC graduates were felicitated with Token of Love, Tika and Khada by the Chief Guest, Founder Director and Principal. The program was held under the chairmanship of Founder Director and Chairman Anju Joshi.

image- 1 image- Click Here for More Photos

=====================================================Result at Glance:
Highest GPA: 3.85; secured by Anisha Joshi
GPA Above 3.6 to 4.0 = 4 students
GPA above 3.2 to 3.6 = 16 students
GPA above 2.8 to 3.2 = 6 students
GPA above 2.4 to 2.8 = 6 students
GPA above 2.0 to 2.4 = 1 students