All posts by singalama


Regular Inter-House Competitions at Golden Gate, this time, had the joyous conduction of Needle Threading Competition held on 11th Bhadra, 2072 with overwhelming participation of students.

Winners of Senior Group:

S.N. Names of the Students Position House Class
1. Sujit Jonchhen 1st Red 6
2. Nhuja Napit 2nd Yellow 6
3. Janak Mainali 3rd Blue 6

Winners of Senior Group:

S.N. Names of the Students Position House Class
1. Sonika Lama 1st Green 4
2. Amrita Singh 2nd Yellow 2
3. Sarman Awal 3rd Red 4

The followings are few of the snaps of the program:

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Personality Development Programs at Golden Gate: SQC & ASC

Two Highly Specialized Programs for Personality Development of Students, namely Students’ Quality Circles (SQC) and Art of Spekaing Club (ASC), have been of tremendous help for the overall personality development of students.


SQC is a national and international level platform originally initiated by World Council for Total Quality and Excellence in Education (WCTQEE) and executed in Nepal by QUEST-Nepal under the stewardship of Prof. Dr. Dinesh P. Chapagain. It is based on Case Studies for Problem Solving using QC tools used in Total Quality Management (TQM).

ASC is a regular program framed by the school itself with primary focus on oratory and verbal-analytical skills of the students.


Special Calligraphy (Handwriting) Class Initiated!

Mahatma Gandhi has clearly mentioned these things regarding handwriting in his autobiography “Practice of Truth and Me“:

“…….. I just believed that beautiful handwriting is not essential in education, how this wrong thought came to me. It exactly remained with me till I went to Britain. Later, especially in South Africa, when I saw the diamond-like handwriting of lawyers and young people born and educated in South Africa, then I got ashamed and repented. I experienced that bad handwriting should be considered as a symbol of incomplete education. Later, I tried to improve my handwriting, but can a pot well-baked in kiln be re-joined if broken? What I hated in my youth, I haven’t been able to do it till date. Each and every young boys and girls should learn lesson from my example and understand that good handwriting is an essential part of education. Drawing and art is necessary to learn good handwriting. What I opine is that initially children should be taught drawing and art. In the way a child remembers birds, objects and recognizes them easily, likewise they should recognize letters and, when they start making pictures after learning drawing and art, only then writing letters should be taught, then their handwriting will be as beautiful as printed letters.”

Considering the irreplaceable importance of calligraphy/handwriting in students’ success in their lives, we have initiated a Special Calligraphy (Handwriting) Class for the students from Class One through Eight. It is expected that the course will enhance necessary skills of calligraphy in the Golden Gateans that set them apart from their contemporary colleagues in the entire nation.


With 90.05% in aggregate secured by two students, namely Anisha Bala and Ina Sainju, the SLC 2071 results set a milestone in the school’s history, literally being the highest percentage ever.

The school had the following scenario of the results:

  • Distinction: 8 Students
  • First Division: 11 Students
  • Second Division: 3 Students

On the whole, the result was fabulous as well ass exemplary to the forthcoming batches:

भ्यानको सेवा सन्चालन (SCHOOL VAN SERVICE)

बिद्यालयले मन्टेसरी पद्दतिमा अाधरित Pre-School “Golden Gate Kids  Villa” का सानासाना नानीहरुको सुबिधाको लागि School Van को सेवा सन्चालनमा ल्याएको छ |

सानासाना चिचिला-मुनाहरुको कल्पना र सपनाको उड़ान भर्न तयार ‪‎Golden Gate Kids Villa‬ को School Van

New Admission Notice for A/Y 2072 BS (Limited Seats available)

New admission of the students is accepted from Falgun of each year with open intake in Play Group throughout the year. Children of age 2 or more years are given intensive care in such group with the help of games and amusements developed on the basis of child psychology. 

 Admissions for other classes starts from Chaitra and lasts till Jestha of next year. For the convenience of parents and students, GGESS has developed a system of Instant Examination (IE). Under this, Placement Test &/or Ability Test of the new-coming student is taken everyday from Chaitra 1 and after two hours of the test, result is also provided so that professionally busy parents could be benefited, and decision regarding the admission of the child could be taken promptly.

Admission Kit (a parcel including admission form, school prospectus. school bulletin, etc.) can be collected from the school office between 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Mrs. Anju Joshi
, Founder Director
Singa Tamang, Principal
Golden Gate English Secondary School
Mahakalisthan, Bhaktapur – 5, Nepal
Postal Mail Address: P.O. Box # 66,Bhaktapur, Nepal

Tel. # 6613594, 66143912


Golden Gate organized Parents’ Day – 2071 in 3 phases spread over 2 days on 29th and 30th Falgun, 2071 as follows:

Fun-filled with wide range of performances by students including right from Rhymes, Songs to Cultural Fashion Show and Theater (Drama), the events were, in themselves, historically milestone for Golden Gate!

Photos can be viewed following the lingks:

Pre-School Parens’Day:

Primary Parents’ Day:

Secondary & Lower Secondary Parents’ Day: