10th Chaitra, 2072 | “A One Day Free Dental Camp” was organized for the students and parents of Golden Gate English Secondary School. The camp was organized in technical assistance of Peoples’ Dental College and Hospital Pvt. Ltd., Nayabazaar, Balaju, Kathmandu.
Some 385 parents showed up in great excitement and quality dental services like extraction, filling, free medicines, orientation, etc. were rendered in various sessions.
Other than the students and parents, the ones to enjoy the service was the faculties and non-teaching staffs of the school.
Falgun 7 & 8th | Golden Gatewith its two SQCs from Class 9 and 10, along with Principal Mr. Singa Lama and two teachers Mr. Rajendra Lama and Miss Anita Maka, participated in the 11th National Convention on Students’ Quality Circles (11th NCSQC) – 2015 organized by QUEST-Nepal in association with Apex School, Butwal, Rupandehi.
In the course of this participation, we had already participated in the 4 different NCSQC ’15 at different Hubs in Kathmandu and Bhaktapur. The central convention in Butwal was the concluding convention and Golden Gate had historic and very special presence in the convention.
From this year, i.e. the year 2015, Golden Gate has achieved the pride of being Collaborating Partner of QUEST-Nepal as a Hub School.
Principal Mr. Singa Lama receiving Certificate of Collaborating Partner of QUEST-Nepal from Chief Guest Mr. Gehanath Gautam, Deputy Director, Curriculum Development Centre (CDC), Ministry of Education, Government of Nepal
The following is the brief summary of the participation in the NCSQC ’15 at Centre:
1. Case Study Presentations
Two SQCs from Class – 9 and 10 presented their case studies in the central conventions:
From Class 9:
Circle Name : Innovative SQC @ Golden Gate
Topic: Lack of Self-Confidence]
Leader: Binaya Bajracharya
Deputy Leader : Renuka Suwal
Secretary: Christopher Bhattarai
Members: Christina Tyata, Prajeeta Pradhananga & Shraddha Shrestha
Facilitator : Rajendra Lama
From Class 10:
Name of the circle : THE GOLDEN GATEANS
Formation : 29th of Jestha, 2o72
Leader: Anisha Joshi
Deputy leader: Jyoti Shrestha
Secretary: Rashila Deshemaru
Members: SonimaMoktan & Rija Maka
Average age: 15 yrs
Facilitator: Mr. Rajendra Lama
2. Panel Discussion
As a Collaborating Hub School, Golden Gate had an opportunity to participate in the Panel Discussion, and thus Miss Anisha Joshi from Class 10 successfully participated in the program.
Panel Discussion this year was a special one because it was organized in commemoration of Birth Centenary of Prof. Dr. Kauro Ishikawa on the theme “Contribution and Philosophy of Prof. Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa on Quality management”. Initially, it was supposed to be moderated by Prof. Dr. Dinesh P. Chapagain himself, the man behind all quality movement led by QUEST-Nepal, but since he is currently residing in Manila, The Philippines, due to some serious health issues, the program was moderated by Principal Mr. Singa Lama, Executive and SQC Master Trainer at QUEST.
Principal Singa Lama moderating Panel DiscussionAnisha Joshi from Class 10 participating in Panel Discussion
3. Mansha Memorial TQP Award
Prajita Pradhananga (Class 9) receiving Certificate for MMTQP
Established in memory of Late Mansha Chapagain, the beloved daughter of Prof. Dr. Dinesh P. Chapagain, who died at her early age of 31, this contest is based on initial psychometric test of young students practising SQC in Nepal to measure the qualities of goodness and smartness so as to evaluate them in the scale of Total Quality Person (TQP) and award the Top 5 students amongst Top 10 in the central convention after concluding questionnaire round by a panel of judges.
Binay Bajracharya and Prajita Pradhananga from Class 9 participated in the contest and Prajita made her way to the finals of Top 10 and admirably did her best . Finally, she was awarded with a certificate.
4. My Dream Canvas
This was an art-based program and Binaya Bajracharya, Christopher Bhattarai and Shraddha Shrestha from class 9 participated in the contest.
5. Quality Quiz
Rashila Deshemaru and Jyoti Shrestha from Class 10 participated in the contest.
6. Story Formation
Sonima Moktan from Class 10 was the participant of the event.
This year, Golden Gatemade historic and remarkably multiple presence in the 11th NCSQC ’15 Hub Conventions organized by QUEST-Nepal in collaboration with different schools in Kathmandu Valley. Furthermore, Golden Gate itself organized Hub Convention and has joined hands with QUEST-Nepal as collaborating partner from this year.
The following are the summary of Golden Gate’s Participation:
29th Poush, 2072 | A day-out is simply a powerful treat for the students busy with their curricular studies. Grade I & II students got this opportunity when Primary Level Incharge Mrs. Bijaya Lohala, along with teachers Rita Sharma and Sabina Shrestha, organized a One-Day Outing for them.
The program was filled with lots of games and creative works.
25th Mangsir, 2072 | An amusing program of Water Filling Competition was held for the Primary Level students and the event was obviously an Inter-House event.
Congratulations! The following students won the competition:
19th Mangsir, 2072 | Four students from Class – 9 along with two teachers volunteered to display the crafts from the waste plastic bottles at Durbar Square, Bhaktapur. The program was held under Bottle Campaign Project conducted by International Association of Lions Club and Leo Club of Bhaktapur Suryabinayak, and, sponsored by Bhaktapur Suryabinayak Lions Club.
The crafts were prepared by the students from Class 5 to 9. There were 43 objects in total. Amongst all others, Golden Gate’s crafts were diverse and larger in number as well. Visitors and passerby enjoyed looking upon the objects curiously while gaining some awareness on waste management.
At the end, a certificate was awarded to the school.
IDPD Theme of 2015
Inclusion Matters: Access and Empowerment for People of All Abilities
17th Mangsir, 2072 | With a view to create awareness amongst students and teachers and provide a space to express emotions of young minds regarding disability, Golden Gate, in consonance with United Nations, organized an Inter-House Event “Collaborative Paper Collage Competition” to mark the International Day of Persons with Disability (3rd December, 2015).
The competitions were held in two groups i.e. Senior and Junior. In total, 179 students from Class 1 to 8 participated in the selection round, out of which, only 32 students could make their way to the Grand Finale.
Few students also delivered informative speeches on the importance of the day in the morning assembly.
The following students were declared as the winning groups
Senior Group: Blue House
Names of the Students
Alina Tamang
Rojina Lama
Subina Sintakala
Junior Group: Blue House
Names of the Students
Poornika Lage
Palistha Kiju
Anjali Suwal
Niharika Kumpakha
Sujal Maka
The collages were displayed in the school ground for a week to let the other students observe and get awareness regarding the issue.
25th November, 2015 | Golden Gate sponsored an International Drama Performance, a way of cultural exchange, brought all the way from North America by Global Ventures (www.culturalexchangenow.com).
On Golden Gate’s part, the Golden Gateans sang Nepali National Anthem, School Prayer and performed a Special Newari Cultural Dance. On the American side, the volunteers presented the US National Anthem, moral education elements, drama, songs and dances.
Finally, Lissa from Global Ventures handed over a Volley Ball and a Net to the Principal Mr. Singa Lama as gifts to the school. At the end, Principal Mr. Lama thanked the Global Venture for all the efforts put forward to make the cultural exchange possible.
22nd November (Mangsir 6) | Under the auspices of Bikalpa Gyan Tatha Bikas Kendra, Golden Children’s Peace Council, in association other councils in Bhaktapur, organized an ArtMela as a way of marking Universal Children’s Day – 2015.
The program was held at Mahakalisthan, Bhaktapur and the councils that participated were as follows: