Category Archives: News & Events

Inter-House Events: Blind Game and Musical Chair

Friday,  8th Ashwin, 2072 | “Amusements and fun going on side by side with Academic Learning ensure better motivation and creativity in students.”  This saying is practically true for for the students of Golden Gate. As a regular practice, Golden Gate this time organized following two different light amusement programs for Lower Secondary and Primary Level students. The results came as follows:

1. First Event: Blind Game (Lower-Secondary Level)
Total Participants: 56 Students
S.N. Names of the Students Position House Class
1. Sushmita Mahato 1st Blue 8
2. Kuber Pun Magar 2nd Red 7
3. Sushil Suwal 3rd Yellow 8


2. Second Event: Musical Chair (Primary Level)
Total Participants: 117 Students
S.N. Names of the Students Position House Class
1. Dhiraj Lama 1st Red 5
2. Supriya Sulu 2nd Blue 5
3. Sudip Thapa Magar 3rd Yellow 4

DSCN8475For more photos, Click Here

Primary Level Maths Race

1st Ashwin, 2072 | As one of the regular House activities, Inter-House Maths Race for Primary Level Students was held today.  The events were held in two groups and the winners have been declared as follows:


1. First Event: Maths Race (Class 1 & 2)
Total Participants: 40 Students
S.N. Names of the Students Position House Class
1. Jeshree Maka 1st Red 1
2. Krishna Kasula 2nd Green 2
3. Amrita Singh 3rd Yellow 2


2. Second Event: Maths Race (Class 3, 4 & 5)
Total Participants: 56 Students
S.N. Names of the Students Position House Class
1. Shrijal Sitikhu 1st Yellow 3
2. Phurba Lama 2nd Blue 5
3. Sonika Lama 3rd Green 4

Fore more photos of the event, Click Here

Principal Singa Lama elected for QUEST-Nepal Executive Committee

26th Bhadra, 2072 | 7th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of QUEST-Nepal, the pioneer institution that initiated and developed Students’ Quality Circle (SQC) in Nepal under the stewardship of Prof. Dinesh P. Chapagain, formed its new Executive Committee for 2015-2018 AD tenure under the Presidential leadership of Mr. Nirajan Adhikari and we are very glad that our Principal Mr. Singa Lama also got unanimously elected as Executive Committee member.

The program was held at NK Singh Memorial EPS, Baneshwor under the gracious presence of Honourable Member of Parliament, prominent educationist and entrepreneur Mr. Umesh Shrestha as the Chief Guest. Other prominent guests were Prof. Dinesh P. Chapagain (Chief Patron), Mr. Rajesh Khadka (Patron and Founder Principal, GEMS), Mr. B.N. Sharma (Patron and Founder Principal, CPS), Dr. B.K. Ranjeet (Former DEO of Kathmandu District), Mr. Sundar Kumar Shakya (Former Director of NCED) and many other dignitaries.

Oath-Taking Ceremony
Oath-Taking Ceremony

Mr. Lama was one of the member of the committee that framed the QUEST’s SQC Curriculum for Grade VI – VIII which has already been approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Government of Nepal. He has also been involved in training many batches of SQC Facilitators as he is on of the Master Trainers of QUEST-Nepal.

The entire school family CONGRATULATE him and wish the best for the success of his tenure at QUEST!

Photo Session after Election
Photo Session after Election

Inter-House Handwriting (Junior) & Essay (Senior) Competition

25th Bhadra, 2072 | This week at Golden Gate, the Inter-House Competition took the form of Handwriting (Junior) & Essay (Senior – Nepali) Competition. Many students participated with great enthusiasm and the judges for the events are Mr. Yogendra Adhikari (Secondary Level Nepali Teacher) for Essay Competition and Ms Sadhana Sharma (Calligraphy Teacher) for Handwriting Competition.

1. Result for Handwriting Competition (Junior)

S.N. Names of the Students Position House Class
1. Nirjala Lage 1st Blue 5
2. Krish Guja 2nd Yellow 4
3. Renesha Basukala 2nd Yellow 5
4. Rojina Maka 3rd Red 2

Images of Winning Handwriting:

1st position 2nd position1 2nd position2 3rd position

2. Result for Essay Competition (Senior):

S.N. Names of the Students Position House Class
1. Jonisha Shrestha 1st Red 7
2. Sushmita Mahato 2nd Blue 8
3. Ruchi Nakarmi 3rd Red 6

More photos of the events can be viewed at:

Click Here for More Photos of Handwriting (Junior) & Essay (Senior) Competition

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Changunarayan Study Tour of Class X

25th Bhadra | 26 students from Class X had a fabulous Study Tour at Changunarayan Temple and vicinity. They were led by Secondary Level Incharge Shreesha Sitikhu, English Teacher Yogendra Gurung and Dance Teacher Anju Lohala.


For more photos, click here

Participating Students:

SN Names of the Students
1 Anisha Joshi
2 Rashila Deshemaru
3 Prabin Twana
4 Anjani Bhandari
5 Sonima Moktan
6 Rajan Manandhar
7 Sabina Suwal
8 Sushmita Manandhar
9 Jeet Khaiju
10 Mina Lama
11 Prajwol Tamakhu
12 Roshani Suwal
13 Krittam Prajapati
14 Swostika Sharma
15 Neeru Lage
16 Nabina Suwal
17 Soni Sainju
18 Rohit Chhuka
19 Sushmita Giri
20 Riza Maka
21 Sanjay Tamang
22 Manjita Tamang
23 Nabin Jati
24 Yaman Duwal
25 Sagar Twati
26 Rojina Hachhethu


Delegates from Partage, France & Bikalpa visit Golden Peace Council

9th September | Two delegates from Partage, France (Jose and Charlotte) and 3 from Bikalpa Gyan Tatha Bikas Kendra (Lamin Lama, Ashok Shiwakoti and Yogendra Chaunlagain) visited Golden Peace Council and had a close interaction with the students involved in it.

Delegates from Partage, France and Bikapla Gyan Tatha Bikas Kendra

The program was held at Montessori Block of the school and the students holding different posts in the Council reported their activities as follows:

S.N. Names of the Students Posts Reporting Area
Last Year This Year
1. Anisha Joshi Coordinator Adviser Overall
2. Bebish Suwal Program Coordinator Adviser Programs
3. Anjani Bhandari Discipline Coordinator Adviser Disciplinary Matters
4. Swostika Sharma Sanitation Coordinator Adviser Sanitation Programs
5. Binaya Bajracharya Finance Coordinator Coordinator Financial Transactions
6. Rohan Sundas Member Discipline Coordinator Experience
7. Christopher Member Member Program Coordinator Experience
8. Saroj Rajchal Member Sanitation Coordinator Experience
9. Subina Shrestha Member Finance Coordinator
10. Prashanna Didiya Member Public Relation Coordinator
11. Dishan Karmacharya New Member Experience
12. Sabina Mainali New Member Experience
13. Sailiya Kumpakha New Member Experience

20150909_175428 20150909_173000 20150909_173517  20150909_173544 20150909_173844 20150909_174050 20150909_174643 Click here for more photos

Inter-House Art Competition – 2072 (With Results)

18th Bhadra, 2072 | GGESS organized Inter-House Art Competition under the co-ordination of Art Teacher Mr. Bikash Tamakhu and Golden Children’s Peace Council with massive participation of students from different classes starting from Grade I to Grade VIII.

The school family wants to congratulate all the winners from different groups and thank one and all who successfully participated in the program.

For viewing photos of the event, click here

The followings were the results of the events:

Winners from Senior Group (6-8)

S.N. Names of the Students Position Class Houses
1. Sujeet Jonchhen 1st 6 Red
2. Jonisha Shrestha 2nd 7 Red
3. Suhel Baidya 3rd 6 Red
Sujeet Jonchhen 1st
Sujeet Jonchhen, 1st
Jonisha 2nd
Jonisha Shtrestha, 2nd
Suhel 3rd
Suhel Baidya, 3rd

Winners from Junior Group (3-5)

S.N. Names of the Students Position Class Houses
1. Anjana Lama 1st 3 Yellow
2. Dipika Lawoju 2nd 5 Green
3. Alish Bhalandhya 3rd 3 Yellow
Anjana Lama 1st
Anjana Lama, 1st
Dipika Lawoju, 2nd
Dipika Lawoju, 2nd
Alish Bhalandya, 3rd


Winners from Junior Group (1-2)

S.N. Names of the Students Position Class Houses
1. Krishnaa Kasula 1st 2 Green
2. Aaisha Lama 2nd 2 Yellow
3. Prashant Lama 3rd 2 Red
Krishna 1st
Krishnaa 1st
Aaisha 2nd
Aaisha 2nd
Prashant 3rd
Prashant 3rd


16th Bhadra, 2072 | A selection process was conducted for the Inte-House Art Competition which is to be conducted on Friday, 18th Bhadra, 2072. Since students are enjoying their Hobby Club activities very much, there was massive thrust for participation from the students and selection round needed to be organized.

The selection process was by judged by the Art Teachr Mr. Bikash Tamakhu, a national award winner artist and an alumni of Golden Gate.

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Participation in Real School of Nepal

Six Golden Gateans participated in the Real School of Nepal Central Region I Kathmandu East Contest 2015 and performed their best on 15th Bhadra, 2072.

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Kabin Giri from Class VIII stood 4th in Football Juggling Category. We would like to congratulate him and all other participants – Anisha Joshi (Extempore), Dhiraj Lama (3 Minutes to Fame), Unish Sitikhu (Score the Real Goal), Sneha Sitikhu (Dance) and Sujeet Jonchhen (Painting) for the appreciable performance in their respective categories.

Kabin Giri Real Certificate


Immunization against Polio & Measles-Rubella

15th Bhadra, 2072 | In association with District Health Service Office and Bhaktapur Municipality, Immunization against Polio & Measles-Rubella program was organized at the Golden Gate Montessori Kids’ Villa, the pre-school wing of Golden Gate English Secondary School, for the students of upto or below five years of age.


In total, 84 students from school and some 13 students from other neighboring schools were immunized.

For more photos, Click Here